Governing Board

Governing board has seven members. Women and different sections of the society are well represented in the board. They are from different professions, like agriculture, education, social works and others. Governing board meets regularly and functions democratically. Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurers are the chief functionaries of the organization.

Our Governing Board Members

Mr. Manohar Manav

Founder and Chairman

As young Gandhian he has been in social work for several years. By profession he is agriculturist and has led several social movements related to the rights of labor, farmers, women, children and other deprived persons of the society. He is Iconic figure among young Gandhian and inspiration for youth.

Mr. Habibul Rahman


He is veteran social worker of Bihar He is iconic figure for establishing harmony and peace in the society. He has vast experiences of community works in different sectors like health, agriculture, human rights, labor problems and others.

Mrs. Aparna Tripathi


She is strong woman leader and has led several movements’ related women and children rights. She has mobilized thousand of women to fight for their rights.

Capt. Dr. Shakil Ahmad Ata

Joint Secretary

He is prominent educationist and has led several literacy and education campaigns particularly for downtrodden section of the society. He has been serving community with his leadership and ideas. He has provided inspiring leadership to down trodden people for overall community development.

Mrs. Anjana Sinha


She is social worker and work for empowerment of women and downtrodden. She has helped women for their social and economical development.

Mr. Sunil Kumar Singh


He is a prominent social worker and works for landless, labors, farmers and others for their empowerment. He works to develop community leadership from the marginalized section of the society.

Mrs. Madhyanti Devi


By profession she is teacher and works for making people aware on literacy and education. She works for al-round development of people from the marginalized community.